Brown: Will向Karen倒苦水,而Karen如下回应: -Karen: Honey, I sense this is gonna go for a while. Let me just boil all these Hoo-Has down to two important points: one, brown is over; two, you need to get a life. 亲爱的,看来你一时半会儿是说不完的了。让我把你这些无病呻吟的唠叨总结成两个基本点吧:第一,棕色过时了(Will穿了套棕色西装);第二,管好你自己的事。
The Mark Award: Jack的\"Just Jack\" one man show得了个什么鬼奖题名。Jack想耍大牌,佯装要拍新戏而无法参加颁奖礼,于是和Karen在Will的公寓里拍得奖感言,以便颁奖的时候放。 -Jack: Hi, I\'m on the set of my new movie: Poorly Decorated Crap House.各位好,我现在是在片场,我在拍一部新片,名字叫“寒酸装修破房子”
Whipped Cream: 一帮人在餐厅庆祝Jack读护士学校满一个月。Will邂逅一个女的,对方向他抱怨自己的老板。 -She yelled at me for an hour to put regular milk in her coffee. And now she\'s licking whipped cream from a male stripper. Hello, are you allergic to dairy or not?!我不过往她的咖啡里加了全脂奶她就骂了我一个小时。现在倒好,她一个劲地舔脱衣舞男身上的生奶油。她到底是不是对奶制品过敏啊?!
Karla vs Karlos: S2E17,一个脱衣“舞娘”给Jack跳完lap dance后,Jack变“兴奋”了 -Grace: Oh, my god! Jack got turned on by a woman?天哪,Jack竟然被女人搞兴奋了? -Grace: Well, he couldn\'t be straight, so what, now he\'s a lesbian? 问题是,他不可能变直,难道说他是女同? -Will: Well, he\'s got the haircut for it. 呵呵,起码他的发型看着像女同.
Eggs: S2E22, Will跑了,留下Jack和Grace独守空房,Grace想把Jack改造成WIll,而Jack想让Grace消失,于是: -Jack: How about we compromise, and you make me scrambled eggs?不如我们都退一步,然后你炒蛋给我吃? -Grace: Jack, look at where my foot is. I can scramble a couple of eggs from here.看着我的脚,我可以用这个炒一对“蛋”出来喂你。 - Jack: Oh, Grace, I\'m not like the other men in your life. I will hit you.唉,Grace, 我可不是你老公Will,我不会舍不得出手打你的。
Photographer: 4季尾声的时候,Glen Close演一个很酷的摄影师,给Will and Grace拍照,她扒开grace的裤子: -Glen: Oh, you are a jewish. 噢,原来你是犹太人
-Grace: How do you know? 你怎么知道?
-Glen: Cheap underwear. 你穿的廉价内裤
D;S: 第5季里,Will所在的事务所(Duccett ; Stein\'s)来了新老板Stein,但这个老板是个精神病患者,对着Will诉苦,说因为Duccett退休了,他不得不来接管公司: -Stein: It\'s Duccett and Stein\'s! If there is no Duccett, no Stein, what is the company gonna be called?公司名字叫“杜赛和斯坦事务所”!如果没有杜赛,没有斯坦,这间公司该叫什么? -Will: ...\";\"?叫“和”?
Sexy Tape: Grace给leo拍的性感录像效果不好,于是找Jack“求助” -Grace: I watched the tape. You were right: I was kind of repulsive. 我自己看了那盘录像带。你说的没错:我看上去的确有点恶心。 -Jack: Oh, sweetie. \"Kind of\"?唉,亲爱的,只是“有点”吗?
Baby Plan: Will 和Grace人工受精回来后,Will 叫Grace 躺沙发上,双腿垫高,以利怀孕。 -Will: Just pretend someone paid for dinner.就当有人请你吃饭。 -Grace: That\'s offensive! 你说的也太过分了吧! -Will: Pretend it\'s lobster.就当是请你吃龙虾。
Power Lines: S2E4里,Will骂Grace神经病,用了这么一句: -Will: Have you been swinging from power lines? 你是不是一直吊着高压线打秋千啊?!